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I'm glad you asked! The emoji domain process is super simple; a user type an emoji in the url bar, and the browser uses "punycode" to convert emoji domains into idn (like any other language) like "xn--jr8h", which then it act like a domain and utilize to arrive to a website. We create those "punycoded" domains for you, so you only have to deal with emojis.

How are you making emoji domain names?
Why am I limited to registering ".ws" emoji domain names?

".ws" is currently the only TLD that permits the registration of emoji domains. That means, for the time being, you are unable to register emoji domains on TLDs like ".com", ".org", ".net", etc.

emoji domains are currently available in few extensions (cctlds), while dot WS is considered as the dot COM of Emoji Domains.
For more info click here

Why not in dot COM?
Why .ws?

GDI, as the operators of .ws, a ccTLD, were pioneers, and were able to try new things, and that is why they accepted the usage of the idn that is emojis
(same as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese etc).
Dot com, dot net, dot org etc, are considered TLD’s as well as all other nTLD's such as .club and .online domain extensions, Which are all must obey ICANN rules.
But ICANN stopped the option in 2008 to register Emoji IDN under dot com etc.
.ws (GDI), as the official registry partner of the government of Western Samoa are the first in the world to support Emoji Domain Names.
For more info click here
Why should I use an Emoji domain?

Increased click-through-rate (CTR)
Brand yourself with a specific Emoji
Online branding/SEO tool
Visual domains stand out more on search engine result pages (SERP)
Where do I use my Emoji domain?

Social media
Newsletters & email marketing campaigns
Business cards
Marketing materials

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